C:\Documents and Settings\Simon>echo %date%
2008-09-09 星期二C:\Documents and Settings\Simon>echo %date:~5,5%
09-09如果我们需要加入自订的分隔符,比如想要YYYY--MM--DD的格式,只需要分别取出YYYY, MM, DD再连接起来即可:
C:\Documents and Settings\Simon>echo %date:~0,4%--%date:~5,2%--%date:~8,2%2008--09—092.命令选择
C:\Users\hp>choice /c dme /m defrag,mem,end
defrag,mem,end [D,M,E]?D@echo off
choice /c dme /m defrag,mem,end if errorlevel 3 goto defrag (应先判断数值最高的错误码) if errorlevel 2 goto mem if errotlevel 1 goto end:defrag
c:dosdefrag goto end :mem mem goto end :end echo good bye3.错误判断
@net use /%1ipc$ %3 /u:"%2"
@if errorlevel 1 goto failed
& Usage:第一条命令 & 第二条命令 [& 第三条命令...]
&& Usage:第一条命令 && 第二条命令 [&& 第三条命令...]
|| Usage:第一条命令 || 第二条命令 [|| 第三条命令...]
C:>dir z: && dir c:Ex4rch The system cannot find the path specified.C:>dir c:Ex4rch && dir z:
Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0078-59FBDirectory of c:Ex4rch
2002-05-14 23:55 <DIR> .
2002-05-14 23:55 <DIR> .. 2002-05-14 23:55 14 sometips.gif 1 File(s) 14 bytes 2 Dir(s) 768,671,744 bytes free The system cannot find the path specified.
C:Ex4rch>dir sometips.gif || del sometips.gif Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0078-59FBDirectory of C:Ex4rch
2002-05-14 23:55 14 sometips.gif
1 File(s) 14 bytes 0 Dir(s) 768,696,320 bytes free综合实例:参见
------------------------ cut here then save as .bat or .cmd file ---------------------------
@echo preparing to delete all the default shares.when ready pres any key.
@pause @echo off:Rem check parameters if null show usage.
if {%1}=={} goto :Usage
echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo ☆ A example for batch file ☆ echo ☆ [Use batch file to change the sysytem share properties.] ☆ echo. echo Author:Ex4rch echo Mail:Ex4rch@hotmail.com QQ:1672602 echo. echo Error:Not enough parameters
echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo OK,delshare.bat has deleted all the share you assigned. echo.Any questions ,feel free to mail . echo echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------ echo.:EOF
echo end of the batch file